Hello, my name is

Hasan Kanaya

And I'm a

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This is me

About me

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This is me

This is my story

I started learning programming when I was 16 years old. I learned C++ language as well as the Logical thinking and algorithms Then I decided to build mobile applications, so I learned Java and Kotlin and built two applications, the first was to calculate the age and the second to display the time After that, I decided to design a game, so I learned C# and build a simple game like a snake game

And when I started in the web Development, I noticed that it is one of the most wonderful careers in the world because you can build anything you want Since then, I have dedicated my time and effort to become one of the best web developers in the world

My skills

What I know

  • Syntax
  • Semantic Tags
  • Forms and Validations
  • Accessibility
  • SEO & Best Practices

  • Syntax
  • Fundamentals
  • Alignment: flexBox, grid
  • Transitions & Animations
  • Responsive Design & Media Queries
  • Best Practices

  • Syntax
  • Variables
  • Nesting
  • Mixin
  • Extend
  • Import
  • Functions
  • Conditionals

  • Syntax
  • Basics: introduction, control flow, functions, arrays
  • DOM & BOM
  • OOP
  • ES6
  • JSON
  • Async: Callbacks, Asynchronous, Promises, Async/Await
  • Fetch API + AJAX
  • Best Practices

  • Syntax

  • Syntax
  • Selectors
  • Events
  • Traversing
  • Effects: hide/show, fade, slide, animate

  • Syntax
  • Git Commands: init, clone, status, add, commit, push, pull, reset, branch, checkout, etc.
  • Remote Repository
  • Local Repository
  • Staging Area
  • Working Directory
  • Security SSH
  • Branching & Merging

  • Syntax
  • JSX
  • Components
  • Props
  • State
  • Events
  • Hooks
  • Conditional Rendering
  • React Ui Frameworks: React BootStrap
  • React Packages: Router, Query, FramerMotion
  • State Management: Redux

My Works

Some of my works

Currency Converter
Currency Converter
rock paper scissors
Rock Paper Scissors
QR Generator
QR Generator
Quotes Generator
Quotes Generator


The skills that I have been develop

My services

What I can provide


Front End

Make Front End Web Pages like projects or landing pages or Converting PSD files into website

Graphic Designer


Editing photo using Adobe photoshop and creating Posters and business cards or creating logo using Adobe illustrator


Teaching & Problem Solver

Teach you how to code even if you have zero knowledge, take you from absolute beginner to advanced programmer

Contact Info

How you can reach me

  • Main Location: Syria, Latakia
  • Phone Number: +963 934 338 869
  • Main Email: hasan.kanaya9@gmail.com
  • Social Media: